
Poststrasse 5/7

Trust Square moving to Zurich's Paradeplatz

We are excited to announce our move to new premises at Zurich's Paradeplatz at the beginning of 2020. By moving into the building on Poststrasse, we are laying the foundation for..

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Toni Caradonna from BCTS

Trust Talk by Toni Caradonna from BCTS

Blockchain Trust Solutions (BCTS) AG develops Blockchain Solutions for Axpo WZ Systems on the mission critical Infrastructure of Axpo. Toni Caradonna gave a quick overview over..

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Carmen Walker Späh

Carmen Walker Späh, Councillor of the Canton of Zurich, at panel discussion

We had the honor of welcoming Carmen Walker Späh, Councillor of the Canton of Zurich and a number of government representatives of Zurich and Thurgau. Through group and panel..

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Trust Talk

Trust Talk by the founders of 4bridges

4bridges is a member of the Swiss Crypto Valley Association and a resident of Trust Square. During our weekly Trust Square Breakfast, the founders held an interesting talk titled..

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BitBrain Academy

Our resident BitBrain introduces BitBrain Academy

At our weekly Trust Talk, our residents BitBrain Switzerland introduced their new platform BitBrain Academy With the goal of getting everyone ready for an innovatinve future, they..

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Blockchain in Banking 2025

"Blockchain in Banking 2025" - a glimpse into the future!

Our first event "Blockchain in Banking 2025" in cooperation with our partner Consileon Business Consultancy GmbH was a complete success. Thank you for the numerous participation...

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Trusted Society II

Trusted Society II - talks and discussions on Swiss Cyber Security

Yesterday we successfully hosted the second edition of Trusted Society, our regular event series on Swiss Cyber Security. We listened to exciting impulse speeches from global..

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Swiss FinTech Ladies

Women in Sustainable FinTech presented by Swiss FinTech Ladies

We proudly hosted the successful "Women in Sustainable FinTech", an event that gathered a number of renowned speakers and attendees with a shared passion for supporting the..

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