
Blockchain in Financial Services

#Blockchain in Financial Services. Quo Vadis?

«In the future we will transfer values electronically on a novel type of internet» Full house during UZH Prof. Puschmann Thomas' Lecture last Monday about «#Blockchain in..

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Swiss Cyber Security Event

Successful Swiss Cyber Security Event

Switzerland is joining forces to remain globally competitive. More and more Cyber Security products and companies are created on Swiss soil, with Swiss intellectual property and..

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Zurich's Mayor Corinne Mauch

Zurich's Mayor Corinne Mauch prepares for a digital future

It was a great honor and pleasure to welcome the Mayor of Zurich, Corinne Mauch and her economic delegation at Trust Square today. As always we like to think of these visits as an..

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Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn - How Microsoft uses Blockchain Technologies

Today's Lunch & Learn-Event on „Microsoft‘s Strategy and PoV for Enterprise Blockchain“ was hosted by Microsoft. Tianna Umann, a worldwide Microsoft enterprise Blockchain..

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Mayor of Korean City Seocho-Gu

Mayor of Seocho-Gu 🇰🇷 sharing her experience heading up a Smart City

Seocho City is one of the most environmentally friendly, culturally vibrant and innovative cities in Seoul. This week we had the honour to welcome its Mayor Eun-Hee Cho and a..

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South Korea visiting Trust Square

South Korea delegates visiting Trust Square

This week we had the honour to welcome a delegation from Sejong Telecom, B-Brick and Nexus One 🇰🇷. Thank you for visiting us!

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MIT students

MIT students picking our resident's brains on blockchain opportunities

The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management 🇺🇸 is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice. A..

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Binance taking

Binance taking an interest in Switzerlands blockchain industry

Binance is a powerful tool and the world-leading crypto trading platform. While touring Switzerland's Crypto Valley, Mr. Ted Lin, the company's Chief Growth Officer decided to pay..

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